Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Knowledge is power! It can save our lives

I do not understand why people are willing to spend many thousands of dollars in cars, houses, and all the material things of the world but fail to invest a little money in their own health which is often regarded as the greatest wealth of all. Many will only begin to value health when they start to lose it.

Speaking about the DNA Disease Susceptibility test which I took recently, I realized that the test can actually help save our lives as we can predict a susceptible disease early and start preventing it now. The disease may never have a chance to develop. For an example, what if we could predict this economy crisis that has hit us now sometime ago? I believe many of us would not have lost money in the shares or bonds, and many lives would have been saved and destiny changed. Therefore, be smart! Ignorance causes death. Whereas, knowledge is power! It can save our lives. DNA Disease Susceptibility test offered by DNA DYNASTY GROUP is the answer to all who want to live longer.

Yen, Health Therapist

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