Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My youngest son possesses the quality of great leadership, high EQ together with a risk taking gene

My name is Chooi, I just want to let you all know that how grateful I am to DNA DYNASTY for introducing such a great product of Genetic Talent Test which can identify a child's talents and abilities scientifically.

I have 3 children. Prior to the test, I always regarded my yougest one as the lousiest kid. He is daring, strong headed and does badly in school. I almost gave up hope on him. Luckily, I was introduced to this DNA Talent Test one day. I don't mind paying a small testing fees as compared to the expensive tuition fees I pay every month if it can help me understand my children's strength and talents better. So, off all of them went for the test. To my suprise, the result shows that my youngest son possesses the quality of great leadership, high EQ together with a risk taking gene. According to the experts in his report, he is meant for entrepreneur, meaning born entrepreneur. I almost teared as I thought of how I used to see him and judged him unfairly according to the limited and imperfect knowledge of my own. The experts advice in the report teaches me how I should handle each child differently according to their characters, and they also suggest effective ways that I can use to develop their talents.

The DNA reports have given me a clear direction for my children. Having identified their characters and how they are gifted, we all now have a clearer path to follow. Big thanks to DNA DYNASTY!

Y.Chooi, Managing Director

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