Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My kid took a DNA Talent Test from DNA DYNASTY recently

My kid took a DNA Talent Test from DNA DYNASTY recently. The result shows that my child's IQ is excellent but he is very weak in sports which I totally agree. My son is always No.1 in the class in terms of studies but he can't perform well in sports despite his fondness in sports. Experts have suggested in his DNA report that he will perform well as a lawyer or a doctor due to his high scores in his comprehension and thinking genes. I find the test very useful in my child's future choice of education.

A lot of times, your interest doesn't mean your strength. I would rather develop my child from his strength and talents than from his weakness because I don't want to spend unecessary money and time of his to develop from areas that he is weak in. It requires more effort and resources to achieve that. After all, what I want for my son is success and wining, not failure. He still can enjoy sports as a hobby or a form of exercise but it is definitely not a career choice for him. Thanks to DNA DYNASTY for their DNA Talent Test which provides a clearer direction for my son and myself so that I don't have to go through the phase of confusion when comes to educating and cultivating my son because the future of my child is very important!

Mdm Ho, Housewife

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